Politician branding in India is all about how a politician is perceived by the public. The politician, branding the brand is a person and in order to build up the image of that person the same dynamics of traditional marketing techniques are used. Branding is a powerful tool and nobody knows it better than a… Continue reading Politician Branding in India
Category: Kolkata Online Reputation
E-commerce and social media marketing in India
E-commerce companies across the globe have now realized that majority of their potential customers are active in social networks and social media sharing sites irrespective of their age, gender, and economic status. If these companies do not find out where their future customers hang out and include it in their e-commerce marketing mix, then they… Continue reading E-commerce and social media marketing in India
How to push negative search results down
The internet is one medium, which welcomes all types of contents due to which it has become highly competitive and inflammable. Users for constructive or destructive purposes utilize the opportunities available in this platform. The asset of a business house or an individual is their online reputation, and any negative search results in search engines… Continue reading How to push negative search results down
What to Do About Google Fake Reviews
Businesses and individuals across the world face problems of fake reviews, which are posted by unhappy customers and unethical competitors. PR managers of these companies are finding it hard to tackle these fake reviews, which are damaging the reputation their businesses and individuals, and they are using the services of professional online reputation management firms… Continue reading What to Do About Google Fake Reviews
How to push down outdated images in Google image search
One of the sections in online reputation management is all about managing outdated pictures, which show up in Google search results. The internet is one place where if anything goes in stays there forever so getting rid of embarrassing and outdated images that you want to hide it from your employers and friends is a… Continue reading How to push down outdated images in Google image search
Kolkata ORM Service India
We are living in the age of the internet. Even assuming you market some fabulous products or some flawless services, there is no guarantee that your business would succeed unless your online reputation is impeccable and well-managed. Even some stray negative comments posted by a disgruntled customer or some mischief-monger – if not dealt with… Continue reading Kolkata ORM Service India
Online Reputation Management (ORM) Service Kolkata, India
There are several competent Online Reputation Management (ORM) service providers in Kolkata which is a large metropolis and home to many leading industrial and commercial houses. These ORM agencies help you to protect and preserve your online reputation by highlighting all positive reviews about your company and suppressing all negative reviews. Apart from steadfastly defending… Continue reading Online Reputation Management (ORM) Service Kolkata, India
Online Reputation Management Kolkata India
Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the art and science of protecting and preserving your online reputation. ORM addresses negative contents that are damaging to the company by making them inconspicuous and driving them to the third or still lower pages of search results. Business houses in a large metropolis like Kolkata can serious loss of… Continue reading Online Reputation Management Kolkata India
Online Reputation Kolkata India
Online reputation has become critically important for business houses in Kolkata which is a large metropolis in India. Kolkata is home to a number of leading industrial houses and the city’s population is highly computer-literate. You must zealously protect and preserve your online reputation as even a stray negative comment, if not timely attended, can… Continue reading Online Reputation Kolkata India
ORM Service Kolkata India
It has taken your business at Kolkata several years and painstaking efforts to reach the top. But, it is tough and intimidating to remain at the top. Kolkata is a busy commercial city, and there are envious competitors that continually plan sabotaging your renown by posting negative or even malicious comment. The nature of the… Continue reading ORM Service Kolkata India